YSI @ Future of Central Banking Conference

Dear Young Scholars,

You still have 12 days to apply to the Future of Central Banking Conference with YSI (May 26-28, France). Details below:


Conference: the conference will feature speakers from both the academia (Louis-Philippe Rochon, Gary Dymski, Dominique Plihon, Mario Seccareccia, among others) and the central banking world (Victor Constancio, Ulrich Bindseil, Natacha Valla, among others). More info here: https://www.facebook.com/futurecentralbanking

Pre-conference YSI workshop (on May 26th): a special YSI workshop will be hosted by Keynesian and Financial Stability working groups during which these issues will be discussed in a smaller group format (more details soon!).

All applicants must fill the following application form by March 15th, 2019.

Successful candidates will be contacted by YSI until the end of March. YSI will offer accommodation and partial travel support for selected candidates. The partial travel stipends will be equivalent to within-Europe travel costs, but not restricted only to within-Europe based young scholars. Students will also receive a discount in the conference registration fee.

Questions regarding this event may be sent to the organizers through the following emails: kewg@youngscholarsinitiative.org and fs@youngscholarsinitiative.org

Event on YSD : https://ysd.ineteconomics.org/project/5c111a42c5336735742677ab/event/5c111ce9c5336735742677ae

Looking forward to hearing from you!!
Céline, Sylvio & Guilherme on behalf of the Financial Stability WG & Keynesian Economics WG