YSI – Economic History Graduate Webinar: Gerda Asmus

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Gerda Asmus, Phd candidate from Heidelberg University and UCSD will present her work: State Presence and Local Economic Development: the Russian State in the Urals. If you wish to attend, please register for the entire series here: https://forms.gle/LtqDgzoDtAojZg1S8 Attendees will receive by email on Wednesday morning the link to join the webinar. Abstract:Abstract: This study …

YSI – Economic History Graduate Webinar: Gerda Asmus Read More »

Epistemology of Economics: Soros (2013) Fallibility and reflexivity

Virtual Project Virtual Project

This will be the last session of our reading group. During the last session, we will discuss a paper by Soros (2013) to complement our journey in analyzing the Philosophy of Economics. Soros (2013) argues that: *"the failure is more profound than generally recognized. It goes back to the foundations of economic theory."* Most importantly, …

Epistemology of Economics: Soros (2013) Fallibility and reflexivity Read More »

Economic impact and responses to Covid-19 in South Africa

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Although the African continent has suffered comparatively lower number of cases and deaths due to COVID-19 than other continents, we should still be worried since the continent has more poverty and inequality, and weaker healthcare systems to deal with a possible surge of cases in the future. It is also now common knowledge that the …

Economic impact and responses to Covid-19 in South Africa Read More »


Virtual Project Virtual Project

The uncertainty brought in by the pandemic is unprecedented; governments across the world are caught in a quagmire. The response of lockdown and social distancing though helpful in containing the spread is at the same time leading to devastating effects on the economy. Rising unemployment, loss of livelihood, mass migration and starvation has made us …


The Political Economy of the COVID-19 Crisis in Latin America

Virtual Project Virtual Project

The current crisis associated to the COVID-19 pandemic has already led to an unprecedent health and economic crisis in Latin America. The region has recently experienced a period of economic slowdown and political turmoil. The new pandemic will probably have long-term consequences on the already precarious social and economic situation in Latin America. On top …

The Political Economy of the COVID-19 Crisis in Latin America Read More »

Valsa Brasileira | Chapters 3, 4, 5

Virtual Project Virtual Project

*PLEASE NOTE, USE THIS MEETING LINK: https://youngscholarsinitiative.zoom.us/j/94986685368* Session 1, 23 May, 10am BRT Chapter 1, O Milagrinho brasileiro: um passo à frente | Summary by Isadora PelegriniChapter 2, A Agenda Fiesp: um passo ao lado | Summary by Ana Bottega Session 2, 30 May, 10am BRT Chapter 3, A panaceia fiscal: um passo atrás | …

Valsa Brasileira | Chapters 3, 4, 5 Read More »


Global responses to Covid-19 crisis – Latin America rapporteurs meeting

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Daniel, Paul, and Cecilia, coordinators of the Latin America jurisdiction, will be hosting the first regional meeting with the rapporteurs on Saturday, 30 May (18.00 CEST, each of you will see it in its local time: 11 am Peru, Ecuador, Colombia; 12 pm Bolivia and Chile, 1 pm Argentina, Brazil). The idea is to meet …

Global responses to Covid-19 crisis – Latin America rapporteurs meeting Read More »

Installing a public owned generic medicines factory in Mozambique

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Since 2003, the Brazilian government, relying on its experience of local production of antiretrovirals (ARV) and other generic medicines in its public plants, implements a cooperation agreement with the Government of Mozambique (GoM) to install locally a public owned pharmaceutical plant. This technological health development project sets itself apart from other initiatives promoting local pharmaceutical …

Installing a public owned generic medicines factory in Mozambique Read More »

Discussion with Laura Carvalho

Virtual Project Virtual Project

After reading her book Valsa Brasileira, the participants in the reading group will engage the author Laura Carvalho on open discussion points from each of the chapters. We will be speaking with her about the process of writing the book and how it has been received. The discussion will be lead by Ana Bottega and …

Discussion with Laura Carvalho Read More »

Valsa Brasileira: Discussion with Laura Carvalho

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Our very own Laura Carvalho, professor at the Department of Economics of University of São Paulo, has recently published the timely and important book'Valsa brasileira: Do boom ao caos econômico'. In reading her contribution we hope to critically reflect on the past 20 years of Brazilian socio-economic history. Each chapter will be briefly summarized by …

Valsa Brasileira: Discussion with Laura Carvalho Read More »

The PSPP decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court under scrutiny

Virtual Project Virtual Project

On 5 May 2020, Germany's Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) delivered a decision that will echo for years to come. The judgement on the legality of the ECB’s decisions on the Public Sector Purchase Programme (PSPP) has been delivered after the Weiss European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling of 2018 and declared the ECJ judgment as …

The PSPP decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court under scrutiny Read More »