CfP Inequality WG Session @ 23rd Annual Conference of the AHE

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Dear all, The YSI Inequality Working Group happily announces a special session to be held during the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE) (“Structural Inequalities Uncovered - the Contributions of HeterodoxEconomics in Tackling Racial and Gender Inequality”). We invite young scholars (PhD and MSc students) to submit working papers for discussion. …

CfP Inequality WG Session @ 23rd Annual Conference of the AHE Read More »

Economic Development WG Session at the 23rd Annual AHE conference

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Dear all, The Economic Development Working Group (EDWG) invites young scholars to submit papers for presentation at the YSI EDWG panel on "Chaning World of Labour and Work" at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE), and receive feedback from a senior mentor in the area. Theme: The changing world of …

Economic Development WG Session at the 23rd Annual AHE conference Read More »

Age Of Pandemics (1817-1920): How they shaped India and the World

Virtual Project Virtual Project

From lockdowns to lockups, viruses to vaccination, the movement of people to the movement of bowels, from rats to cats, and more, The Age of Pandemics chronicles the many facets of the cholera, plague and influenza pandemics, which claimed over 70 million lives between 1817 and 1920, with India being the epicentre in all these …

Age Of Pandemics (1817-1920): How they shaped India and the World Read More »

The Age of Pandemics, 1817-1920: How they shaped India and the world

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Welcome to our special session co-organised by South Asia WG, History of Economic Thought WG and Economic History WG! We are delighted to have Julia Marchevsky, History of Economic Thought, and Sergio Castellanos-Gamboa, Economic History as co-organisers of this session within our larger project! The special session will discuss the core thesis of Chinmay Tumbe's …

The Age of Pandemics, 1817-1920: How they shaped India and the world Read More »

Introduction to Complexity Economics – Conclusion with Dr. Melanie Mitchell

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Hello everybody! As some of you know we have been exploring the book "Complexity: a Guided Tour" by Dr. Melanie Mitchell throughout the last weeks. To conclude our exciting quest to understand complexity economics, we are extremely excited to have Dr. Melanie Mitchell with us on July 1st 2021, to shed light on our discussions …

Introduction to Complexity Economics – Conclusion with Dr. Melanie Mitchell Read More »

Week 7 — Lecture 12, Midterm Review, Reading 6

Virtual Project Virtual Project

We're discussing the following for week 7: Lecture 12: Lender/Dealer of Last Resort Lecture NotesIn 2008, the shadow banking system collapsed onto the conventional banking system, which was ultimately backstopped by the Fed. A central bank can go from being a lender of last resort (funding liquidity) to a dealer of last resort (market liquidity) …

Week 7 — Lecture 12, Midterm Review, Reading 6 Read More »

KEDG 2021.1 – 4th meeting (webinar)

Virtual Project Virtual Project

April 7 - Guilherme Morlin: "Growth and debt stability in a supermultiplier model with public expenditures and foreign trade" May 6 - Ana Bottega: "Kalecki meets Schumpeter: the decline of competition in a demand-led dynamic model" June 2 - Gustavo Pereira Serra: "The First Harrod Problem and Human Capital Formation" July 1 - Vinicius Curti …

KEDG 2021.1 – 4th meeting (webinar) Read More »

Sectoral patterns of innovation and the evolution of industrial structure

Viale Pola 12 Rome, Lazio, Italy

Our project consists of participating as young scholars to the 18th International Schumpeter Society (ISS) Conference (, that will take place in Rome (8-10 July 2021). The International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society is an economics association aimed at furthering research in the spirit of Joseph Schumpeter. The primary objective of the ISS is the advancement …

Sectoral patterns of innovation and the evolution of industrial structure Read More »

Mutual Aid and the (Post)Pandemic Framework – Prof. Nidhi Srinivas

Virtual Project Virtual Project

In this webinar of the YSI IUC Web-Seminars in Finance, Law & Economics, Nidhi Srinivas, the Associate Professor of Management at Milano School of Policy, Management, and Environment, will present some insights from his current research regarding mutual aid responses to the pandemic in three different cultural and economic settings (Hyderabad, India; New York City, …

Mutual Aid and the (Post)Pandemic Framework – Prof. Nidhi Srinivas Read More »

project Series Money View Reading Group

Robert McCauley “Global domain of the dollar: 8 questions”

Virtual Project Virtual Project

In this session we will discuss Bob McCauley's recent paper "Global domain of the dollar: 8 questions". AbstractSince the late 1950s, the rest of the world has come to use the dollar to an extent that justifes speaking of the dollar’s global domain. The rest of the world denominates much debt in U.S. dollars, extending …

Robert McCauley “Global domain of the dollar: 8 questions” Read More »

The 5th PE-DPS: Behrang Kianzad on Law and Economics in times of Crisis

Virtual Project Virtual Project

In this 5th session of the series, Behrang Kianzad (University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Laq) will present some of his work and will invite us for a critical discussion on law and economics in times of crisis. Come join us in this challenge! Title:** "Are We all Kantian? Law and Economics in times of Crisis" …

The 5th PE-DPS: Behrang Kianzad on Law and Economics in times of Crisis Read More »

Week 8 — Lectures 13 & 14, Reading 7

Virtual Project Virtual Project

We're discussing the following for week 8: Lecture 13: Chartallism, Metallism, and Key Currencies Lecture NotesNote: Mehrling uses the term "forward interest parity" in this lecture to describe what he called "covered interest parity" in lecture 8, *and in the notes for this lecture. In lecture 8, forward interest parity was about locking in rates …

Week 8 — Lectures 13 & 14, Reading 7 Read More »