International Workshop on Demand-Led Growth (Virtual) July 19-21, 2021

Institute of Economics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Just before the COVID Pandemic outbreak and its effects on the world economy, developed and developing countries were still struggling with high unemployment and sluggish growth rates. Nominal and real interest rates have reached markedly low levels with adverse effects on economic activity. Fiscal austerity measures seem to have prolonged and worsened the economic performance …

International Workshop on Demand-Led Growth (Virtual) July 19-21, 2021 Read More »

First Young Scholars Conference on Structural Change and Industrial Policy

University of Johannesburg, Young Scholars Initiative Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Despite growth spurts covering over two decades across Africa, the economic structures of many African countries remain largely commodity based, without successful industrialisation. As a result, African countries continue to record significant balance of payment deficits as they import manufactured consumer and capital goods. The 2008 global financial crisis, and more recently the global economic …

First Young Scholars Conference on Structural Change and Industrial Policy Read More »

project Series Financing The Future

A Note on Extractive, and Exclusive Institutions – Prof. James A. Robinson

Virtual Project Virtual Project

In this session we examine historical examples of prosperity and ruin: what is the pattern shown here and can it be intentionally recreated or avoided? Presenting from his book “Why Nations Fail” James A. Robinson will present the key components that must be included within all political, and economic institutions for prosperity to flow. Armed …

A Note on Extractive, and Exclusive Institutions – Prof. James A. Robinson Read More »

project Series Financing The Future

RESCHEDULED: Prof. James A. Robinson…

Virtual Project Virtual Project

After Host Michael Cosh has finished apologizing for the mix-up in everybody's schedule we will examine historical examples of prosperity and ruin: what is the pattern shown here and can it be intentionally recreated or avoided? Presenting from his book “Why Nations Fail” James A. Robinson will present the key components that must be included …

RESCHEDULED: Prof. James A. Robinson… Read More »

project Series Money View Reading Group

Money in a Theory of Finance | Session 1

Virtual Project Virtual Project

This is the first of two sessions to discuss the 1960 book Money in a Theory of Finance by John Gurley and Edward Shaw. For this session, we will begin by discussing chapters 1-4. Book Description from Perry Mehrling's Money & Banking MOOC: This is the first of two sessions to discuss the 1960 book …

Money in a Theory of Finance | Session 1 Read More »

Jens Nordvig Discussion — The big myth about money and inflation

Virtual Project Virtual Project

This our weekly discussion of the price level as it relates to Perry Mehrling's money view. The price level is the average price of goods in terms of money or, equivalently, the price of money in terms of goods. But what determines the price level? Why is the price level important? And how does it …

Jens Nordvig Discussion — The big myth about money and inflation Read More »

Week 10 — Lectures 17 & 18, Reading 9

Virtual Project Virtual Project

We're discussing the following for week 10: Lecture 17: Direct and Indirect Finance Lecture NotesCapital markets (direct finance) were once thought to be largely separate from money markets (indirect finance). But money-market funding helps give "shiftability" to capital assets, and liquidity to capital markets. In the 1930's the Fed refused to backstop the shadow banking …

Week 10 — Lectures 17 & 18, Reading 9 Read More »

Session 2: Cambio climático: los desafíos ecológicos para el desarrollo

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Cambio Climático: los desafíos ecológicos para el desarrollo económico y social Speakers: - *Inés Camilloni (Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET) - Luciana Ghiotto (Universidad Nacional de San Martín/CONICET) - Guillermo Peinado (Universidad Nacional de Rosario)** ##### Chair: Verónica Robert (Universidad Nacional de San Martín/CONICET)

Political Economy and Law: Where We Are, Where We Should Be Going

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Link to the event: Political Economy is back on the agenda in law, and law shows renewed importance in finance. What lessons have we learned from past engagement and struggle? Where are we currently? In what ways is the conversation stuck? How can we transition from conversation to action? Format: Introduction (5 minutes), Panel …

Political Economy and Law: Where We Are, Where We Should Be Going Read More »