“Unravelling the forces of urban industrial agglomeration” – Neave O’Clery

Virtual Project Virtual Project

As early as the 1920's Marshall suggested that firms co-locate in cities to reduce the costs of moving goods, people, and ideas. These 'forces of agglomeration' have given rise, for example, to the high tech clusters of San Francisco and Boston, and the automobile cluster in Detroit. Yet, despite its importance for city planners and …

“Unravelling the forces of urban industrial agglomeration” – Neave O’Clery Read More »

“Related diversification and economic change” – Prof. Martin Henning

Virtual Project Virtual Project

The lecture will tackle the question, how the resource-history of regions act as sea-anchors in transformation.First, the origin of the ideas behind linking relatedness and regional - urban development will be discussed and what we have learnt so far from this strand of literature. Following this, Prof. Henning will critically elaborate on the theoretical underpinning …

“Related diversification and economic change” – Prof. Martin Henning Read More »

Regulatory Cycles: Revisiting the Political Economy of Financial Crises

Virtual Project Virtual Project

The Finance, Law, and Economics working group is glad to invite you to our next webinar, in which we will discuss an IMF Working Paper entitled: Regulatory Cycles: Revisiting the Political Economy of Financial Crises. Jihad Dagher, its author, will share with us the multidisciplinary approach followed in the paper, which combines rich historical insights …

Regulatory Cycles: Revisiting the Political Economy of Financial Crises Read More »

EMAEE YSI Workshop 2019

University of Sussex Business School SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit Brighton, England, United Kingdom

The Young Scholars Initiative’s Complexity Economics Working Group (YSI - CEWG) and Latin America Working Group (YSI – LAWG) in partnership with the Science and Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of the University of Sussex Business School invite PhD students to submit their extended abstracts to the first Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) Workshop at the 2019 …

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Theories of Money and Credit with Sheila Dow

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Sheila Dow, University of StirlingDate: Thursday, June, 6thTime: 11AM (EDT time) - 5PM (CET time) – 4PM (UK time)The first session aims to provide a general introduction and understanding based on a historical review of the different strands of economics that are attached to endogenous money.Reference: http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195390766.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780195390766-e-008Profile: https://www.stir.ac.uk/people/256439http://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=VCHIC71

The Politics of Economic and Monetary Union – Webinar Erik Jones

Virtual Project Virtual Project

The Finance, Law, and Economics working group is thrilled to announce a new webinar from this interdisciplinary series! We are glad to have Erik Jones on board with us, who will discuss a forthcoming book contribution entitled The Politics of Economic and Monetary Union. AbstractThe purpose of this chapter is to explain why so many …

The Politics of Economic and Monetary Union – Webinar Erik Jones Read More »

Week 5: MODULE 3: Economic Evolution

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Readings: Friedman, Daniel. "On economic applications of evolutionary game theory." Journal of Evolutionary Economics 8.1 (1998): 15-43. Whitley, Darrell. “A Genetic Algorithm Tutorial.” (http://cobweb.cs.uga.edu/~potter/CompIntell/ga_tutorial.pdf) Discussion Questions: What is an evolutionary game, and what do you have to define to set one up? How are evolutionary games useful for studying economics? Genetic algorithms are very efficient …

Week 5: MODULE 3: Economic Evolution Read More »

2019 HES-YSI workshop

Columbia University New York, New York, United States

The YSI History of Economic Thought working group together with HES will organize a creative writing workshop in New York on June 19, the day before the History of Economics Society annual conference. The workshop will be led by Tiago Mata, lecturer in Science and Technology Studies at UCL, and Paul Dudenhefer, staff specialist at …

2019 HES-YSI workshop Read More »

project Series Credit Booms Gone Bust

PDI Conference in NYC

PDI conference New York, New York, United States

Selected young scholars, based on participation in the webinar series, academic qualifications, diversity, etc. will be given a chance to attend the PDI conference in New York.