project Series LPFMI and Economic Innovation

LPFMI and Economic Innovation – FX Past, Proposed and Missing Innovation with Dr. Robert Hofmeister (ECB)

Virtual Project Virtual Project

WEBINAR INFORMATIONDr. Robert Hofmeister is a is a payment market infrastructure expert at the European Central Bank (ECB) Directorate General (DG) Market Infrastructure & Payments, Oversight Division and within there the Payments Oversight Section. In his capacity he oversees Foreign Exchange (FX) Cross Border Infrastructure which most prominently includes Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS - …

LPFMI and Economic Innovation – FX Past, Proposed and Missing Innovation with Dr. Robert Hofmeister (ECB) Read More »

YSI Workshop on “Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development”

Federal University of Viçosa, UFV Viçosa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

YSI Workshop on “Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development” The YSI Urban and Regional Economics Working Group, in partnership with the Department of Economics of the Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil) is glad to announce its I Workshop on "Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development". The workshop is going to be held as a side-event with the …

YSI Workshop on “Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development” Read More »

Rethinking the Role of Universities in Regional Development (PT)

Virtual Project Virtual Project

VIII Seminário de Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas Conhecimento, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Regional Abertura Oficial (09:00) Palestra de Abertura (09:30) “Repensando o Papel da Universidade no Desenvolvimento Regional” Prof. Clélio Campolina Diniz (CEDEPLAR/UFMG) Professor Emérito da UFMG. É mestre e doutor em Ciência Econômica pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Campolina foi diretor-presidente do Parque Tecnológico de …

Rethinking the Role of Universities in Regional Development (PT) Read More »

Round Table 1: Science, Technology and Regional Policies (PT)

Virtual Project Virtual Project

VIII Seminário de Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas Conhecimento, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Regional Mesa 1 “Ciência, Tecnologia e as Políticas Regionais” Prof. Renato Garcia (UNICAMP) Prof. Lia Hasenclever (UCAM e UFRJ) Renato Garcia: Professor Associado do Instituto de Economia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. É editor-adjunto da Revista Brasileira de Inovação e coordena um projeto de …

Round Table 1: Science, Technology and Regional Policies (PT) Read More »

WGS2: Partnerships and Resources to Innovation

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Young Scholars Workshop Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development WG Session 2: Partnerships and Resources to Innovation. Mentor: Prof. Márcia Rapinni (CEDEPLAR/UFMG) Ana Júlia Diniz Mesquita (UNIFAL) “Uma análise sobre a relação entre três agentes para a inovação: Universidade, Empresa e Governo” (An analysis about the relation between the three innovation agents: Universities, Firms and Government) …

WGS2: Partnerships and Resources to Innovation Read More »

WG1: Analysis of Innovation at Firm Level

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Young Scholars Workshop Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development WG Session 1: Analysis of Innovation at the Micro Level Mentor: Prof. Danilo Sartorello Spinola (UNU-MERIT) Federico Bachmann (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina) “Desempeño innovador y tamaño de la firma. Un Análisis de Meta Regresión” Rituparna Kaushik (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi) “Firm level Innovation …

WG1: Analysis of Innovation at Firm Level Read More »

WGS3: Innovative Investments: Policies, Projects, and Incentives

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Young Scholars Workshop Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development WG Session 3: Innovative Investments: Policies, Projects and Incentives. Mentor: Prof. Márcia Rapinni (CEDEPLAR/UFMG) Adriana Bin (UNICAMP): “Modelo de Avaliação de Resultados e Impactos de Projetos de P&D e Inovação no Setor Elétrico Brasileiro” (Model of Result Evaluation and Impact of R,D and Innovation Project in Brazilian …

WGS3: Innovative Investments: Policies, Projects, and Incentives Read More »

Cooperatives in Emerging Economies

Virtual Project Virtual Project

About one billion people are involved in co-operatives either as members, customers or employees. Co-operatives employ about 100 million people worldwide and are a source of livelihoods for about half of the world’s population. In Africa particularly, more than 40% of households are members of a co-operative society. Thus, cooperatives provide an important channel for …

Cooperatives in Emerging Economies Read More »

Economic Complexity and Inequality (PT)

Virtual Project Virtual Project

VIII Seminário de Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas Conhecimento, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Regional Palestra 2 “Complexidade Econômica e Desigualdade” Prof. Dominik Hartmann (UFSC) Professor no Departamento de Economia e Relações Internacionais da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Possui doutorado em Economia pela Universidade de Hohenheim, Alemanha (2014). Foi pós-doutorando no MIT Media Lab do Massachusetts Institute …

Economic Complexity and Inequality (PT) Read More »

WG4: Economic Complexity

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Young Scholars Workshop Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development WG Session 4: Economic Complexity. Mentor: Prof. Dominik Hartmann (UFSC) Bianca Vasconcelos (UFRJ) ” Complexidade produtiva como caminho para o desenvolvimento: observações a partir dos dados de exportação e emprego” Margarida Bandeira Morais (London School of Economics) “Economic Complexity and Services: The Case of Mexican Regions”

project Series LPFMI and the Law

LPFMI and the Law – PREP. – CCPs for OTC Derivatives: the Foundations of the Legal and Regulatory Framework

Virtual Project Virtual Project

WEBINAR INFORMATIONIn June 2020, we welcomed Prof. Dan Awrey (Cornell) to the Liquidity Project Financial Market Infrastructure (LPFMI) conversation in a panel discussion on the implications of the law on CCPs for OTC derivatives with Robert Steigerwald (Chicago Fed). We have now the pleasure to further explore the legal and regulatory framework that applies to …

LPFMI and the Law – PREP. – CCPs for OTC Derivatives: the Foundations of the Legal and Regulatory Framework Read More »