The 3rd PE-DPS: Sattwick Dey Biswas on Utilitarianism and Quantification

Virtual Project Virtual Project

“In this 3rd session of the series, Sattwick Dey Biswas (Institute of Public Policy, National Law School of India University) will present some of his work and will invite us for a critical discussion on utilitarianism and quantification. Come join us in this challenge! Title:** "Reflections on utilitarianism and quantification" ** Abstract” There are inherent …

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YSI-EHES Economic History Graduate Webinar: André Lanza

Virtual Project Virtual Project

André Lanza, doctoral candidate from the University of São Paulo will present his paper: FROM “ARMS TO THE FARM” TO LANDOWNERS? IMMIGRATION AND ECONOMIC MOBILITY IN SÃO PAULO STATE, BRAZIL (1886-1905). Registration form to attend the webinar: here. Abstract: During the age of mass migration, São Paulo state, Brazil, received over 2,5 million immigrants. Attracting …

YSI-EHES Economic History Graduate Webinar: André Lanza Read More »

Week 4 — Lectures 6 & 7, Reading 3

Virtual Project Virtual Project

We're discussing the following for week 4: Lecture 6: Federal Funds, Final Settlement Lecture NotesThis lecture describes a stylized version of the US payment system, and how the Fed Funds market (interbank lending) used to allocate reserves among the banks before 2008. Lots of great balance-sheet practice for understanding how a credit-based payment system can …

Week 4 — Lectures 6 & 7, Reading 3 Read More »

Why do people hate inflation?

Virtual Project Virtual Project

This our weekly discussion of the price level as it relates to Perry Mehrling's money view. The price level is the average price of goods in terms of money or, equivalently, the price of money in terms of goods. But what determines the price level? Why is the price level important? And how does it …

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Conclusion and Preperation for Melanie

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Dear all, our journey is coming to and end and the next session will conclude the book as well as prepare us for our meeting with Melanie. For this we would love all of you to prepare some questions you would lime to ask her. We will make a battle plan together! It was a …

Conclusion and Preperation for Melanie Read More »

The Social Cost of the Price of Land

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Welcome to our special session co-organised by South Asia WG, and Urban and Regional Economics WG! We are delighted to have Simone Maria Grabner, Urban and Regional Economics WG as the co-organiser of this session within our larger project! For this special session, we are excited to have Dr. Sai Balakrishnan, Assistant Professor of Global …

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YSI Pre-Conference @ STOREP 2021 “Law and Economics”

Virtual Project Virtual Project

The Inequality and the Political Economy of Europe working groups are happy to announce the final program for the YSI Pre-conference@ STOREP 2021 ("Law and Economics: History, Institutions, Public Policies”). We invite you to join us at the pre-conference organized by the Young Scholars Initiative. The Pre-conference will take place online on June 16. The …

YSI Pre-Conference @ STOREP 2021 “Law and Economics” Read More »

project Series Money View Reading Group

Christine Desan – Making Money | Session 2

Virtual Project Virtual Project

This is the second of three sessions to discuss Christine Desan's book Making Money: Coin, Currency, and the Coming of Capitalism. For this session, we will discuss chapters 4-7. Book Description: "Money travels the modern world in disguise. It looks like a convention of human exchange - a commodity like gold or a medium like …

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YSI-EHES Economic History Graduate Webinar: Zhihao Xu

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Zhihao Xu, doctoral candidate from the University of California, Los Angeles will present his paper: “Price Convergence Through a Financial Network: Does Financial Integration Impact Price Integration in Real Sectors?” Live on Zoom on June 17, 2021 09:00 Paris | 08:00 London15:00 Hong Kong/Beijing/Singapore00:00 Los Angeles | 16:00 Tokyo | 17:00 Sydney Registration form to …

YSI-EHES Economic History Graduate Webinar: Zhihao Xu Read More »

Week 5 — Lectures 8 & 9, Reading 4

Virtual Project Virtual Project

We're discussing the following for week 5: Lecture 8: Eurodollars, Parallel Settlement Lecture NotesEurodollar time deposits help us think about using balance sheets to line up cash inflows and cash commitments. The forward rate agreement (FRA) and the forward exchange contract give us some practice using implicit balance sheet arrangements to describe derivatives. The failure …

Week 5 — Lectures 8 & 9, Reading 4 Read More »