WG4: Economic Complexity

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Young Scholars Workshop Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development WG Session 4: Economic Complexity. Mentor: Prof. Dominik Hartmann (UFSC) Bianca Vasconcelos (UFRJ) ” Complexidade produtiva como caminho para o desenvolvimento: observações a partir dos dados de exportação e emprego” Margarida Bandeira Morais (London School of Economics) “Economic Complexity and Services: The Case of Mexican Regions”

project Series LPFMI and the Law

LPFMI and the Law – PREP. – CCPs for OTC Derivatives: the Foundations of the Legal and Regulatory Framework

Virtual Project Virtual Project

WEBINAR INFORMATIONIn June 2020, we welcomed Prof. Dan Awrey (Cornell) to the Liquidity Project Financial Market Infrastructure (LPFMI) conversation in a panel discussion on the implications of the law on CCPs for OTC derivatives with Robert Steigerwald (Chicago Fed). We have now the pleasure to further explore the legal and regulatory framework that applies to …

LPFMI and the Law – PREP. – CCPs for OTC Derivatives: the Foundations of the Legal and Regulatory Framework Read More »

Follow-up discussion | How will Work be Different?

Virtual Project Virtual Project

How will Work be Different?27 October, 10.30am ETErik Brynjolfsson, Kai-fu LeeDiscussant in follow-up session: Teresa Farinha Session detailsIn the future, how will work be different, what jobs are most at risk, what jobs are likely to grow? Please follow this link to join the follow-up discussion! The start time is ca. 2pm ET after the …

Follow-up discussion | How will Work be Different? Read More »

YSI – Economic History Graduate Webinar: Katherine Hauck

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Katherine Hauck, PhD Candidate at the University of Arizona, will present her work: *Farm Production in Purchased and Homesteaded Farms in Kansas, circa 1870 * Abstract:The Homestead Act of 1862 greatly reduced the cost of federal land in the United States. Farm productivity is a function of settler characteristics at the individual level and land …

YSI – Economic History Graduate Webinar: Katherine Hauck Read More »

WG5: Innovation Agents and Regional Development: Firms and Universities.

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Young Scholars Workshop Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development WG Session 5: Innovation Agents and Regional Development: Firms and Universities. Mentor: Prof. Harley Silva (UFPA) Anna Hehenberger (Momentum Institut) “Regional development by a lead firm in Austria: An analysis of economic, social and political factors” Ronara Reis (UNIFEI) “UNIVERSIDADE E TERRITÓRIO: UM AGENTE DA INFORMAÇÃO, DO …

WG5: Innovation Agents and Regional Development: Firms and Universities. Read More »

WG6: “Absorptive Capacity and Diffusion of Technology”

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Young Scholars Workshop Knowledge, Innovation and Regional Development WG Session 6: Absorptive Capacity and Diffusion of Technology. This session will be held in an External Link ACESSE AQUI / ATTEND HERE Mentor: Prof. Janaína Rufoni (UNISINOS) Beatriz Pereira de Almeida (UFJF) “Determinantes da capacidade de absorção sob a ótica dos dados de citações de patentes” …

WG6: “Absorptive Capacity and Diffusion of Technology” Read More »

Instrumental variables

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Session 4: Instrumental variablesReading: Cunningham 2020 (Ch. 8 "Instrumental variables")Available at: https://www.scunning.com/mixtape.html Dear young scholars,Last week we had a technical issue with the platform, and so we decided to reschedule the IV meeting for October 27. We will focus our discussions on: Representation of IVs with DAGs Estimation of IVs under heterogenous effects (LATE estimators) …

Instrumental variables Read More »

Enablers of Cooperatives in Sustainable Development

Virtual Project Virtual Project

The key note speaker will center on the enablers of cooperatives in sustainable development: how businesses should be re-aligning their strategies, practices, and operations so as to unlock investments and innovation in support of the government agenda of promoting activities that will promote sustainable development, overcome global problems such as extreme poverty, scarce natural resourceexploitation …

Enablers of Cooperatives in Sustainable Development Read More »

Cooperatives in Emerging Economies

Virtual Project Virtual Project

The Co-operative African two-day workshop run co-currently with the Virtual Co-operative University of Kenya, (CUK) 4th Annual Conference at the Co-operative University of Kenya. There will be two invited presenters (seasoned scholars in co-operatives) who will also act the role of mentors. These scholars will give their overview on co-operatives in the changing world in …

Cooperatives in Emerging Economies Read More »

Round Table 2 – “Innovation Environments and Local Development” (PT)

Virtual Project Virtual Project

VIII Seminário de Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas Conhecimento, Inovação e Desenvolvimento Regional Mesa 2 “Ambientes de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Local: Clusters, Incubadoras e Parques Tecnológicos” Prof. Adriana Ferreira de Faria (CENTEV e UFV) Prof. Marco Crocco (BHTEC e CEDEPLAR/UFMG) ACESSE AQUI / ATTEND HERE Adriana Ferreira de Faria: Professora do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção …

Round Table 2 – “Innovation Environments and Local Development” (PT) Read More »