Gender and Economics Working Group


Studying the role of gender within economic theory is a part of a general project to rethink economics in a different way, either as a revised version of conventional economics or as a deep critique to the way economics is and has been framed.

Cicero Braga
Magali Brosio
Shatakshi Gupta



Research themes

  • Gender-responsive policymaking (inc. gender budgeting, austerity measures, macroeconomic policy)
  • Women’s and people with diverse sexual orientations or gender identities (SOGI) participation in the labor force
  • Unpaid work beyond care work, and its role in the economy
  • The situation of women and people with diverse SOGI in the field of Economics
  • Women and people with diverse SOGI in the history of economic thought (inc. scholars in/from the global south)
  • A gendered analysis of industrial policy
  • Feminist epistemologies and methodologies in Economics
  • Using feminist economics to re-define economic crises
  • Feminist perspectives on global governance
  • Intersections between gendered and ecological understandings of the economic system

Research questions

  • How can economic analyses better address issues of intersecting inequalities? (Class, gender, race, caste, ethnicity, local/migrant)
  • How has the inclusion of reproductive work transformed our understanding of the economic system as a whole and what implications should that have for the work we do as economists?
  • How can we use feminist economics to re- think economic crises and and the economic policies designed to overcome these?
  • How can we better capture the lives and experiences of non-binary and other non-conforming gender identity people in statistics?
  • What does gender-sensitive industrial policy look like?
  • What have been some of the main contributions of women and people with diverse SOGI to the history of economic thought and how can we increase awareness about them?
  • What are the main challenges that young scholars working in the field of Gender and Economics face and what can we do as a community to support us?

Projects Planned 

  • YSI’s idea lab @IAFFE 2023: Let’s discuss your ideas! – Workshop (Cape Town) – July 2023
  • Care Economics: Towards a new research stream (Sant’Anna University) – Workshop (Pisa) – May 2023
  • YSI @ Congreso de Economia Feminista – Roundtable (Barcelona) – Mar 2023
  • Winter School on Economic Development and feminist economics – Parana, Brasil
  • Workshops with Nigerian Economic Association – discuss female/young professional participation in labor market – TBC
  • Roundtables on taxation and relationship between debt crisis and inequality from a gendered perspective – TBC.

Existing partnerships and cooperation 

  • International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE)
  • Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (building)


You’re welcome to join any webinar or reading group at any time. You’re also invited to apply to present or participate in an any in-person workshop in your area. 



The latest updates and announcements, sent out to all working group members via email.
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Ready for YSI Workshop @ IAFFE pre-Conference and Conference 18 – 21 June!!
Ready?!See you all tomorrow 18 June in New Paltz before…
June 17, 2018
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Deadline TODAY – Gender and Economics WG @ YSI Latin America Convening
Dear all, The deadline for submitting abstracts for the YSI…
April 27, 2018
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Deadline TOMORROW YSI workshop @ IAFFE conference
Dear all, the deadline for submitting your paper for the…
April 26, 2018
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