Sustainability Working Group


Join us in the search for economic solutions to environmental challenges like climate change, pollution, and the management and distribution of finite resources. 

Felix Donkor
Mariana Reis
Jheelum Sarkar



Research themes

  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in the context of COP 27
  • Exploration of alternative economic models (such as stock and flow, agent-based modeling, and complex networks) to analyze climate policies and their impact on the economy
  • Climate justice and economic development
  • The role of economic research in informing public policy for the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
  • Sustainable management of common goods

Research questions

  • How can we achieve a socially and ecologically just world without perpetuating racism or neo-colonialism?
  • What are the limitations of economic thinking in addressing environmental problems?
  • Can alternative approaches help address the impacts of climate change and potential policies?
  • How does environmental activism challenge the capitalist system, and what methods, limitations, and learning outcomes are involved?
  • Besides the standard definition, what does ‘sustainability’ really mean to the marginalized communities suffering most from environmental disasters?

Projects Planned 

  • Ecologizing Economics: Reflexivity, Methods and Interdisciplinarity in the Age of Anthropocene
  • YSI @ II Agent-Based Models in Economics Seasonal School 2023 | Sant’Anna
  • YSI @ II Unicamp Workshop on Agent-Based Models
  • YSI @ ECOECO Conference 2023
  • Webinar Series on Climate Adapation and Mitigation Measures

Existing partnerships and cooperation 

  • The Economy of Francesco (EoF)
  • Sant’Anna Scuola Universitaria Superiore, Pisa
  • Brazilian Association of Ecological Economics (ECOECO)
  • International Input-Output Association (IIOA)


You’re welcome to join any webinar or reading group at any time. You’re also invited to apply to present or participate in an any in-person workshop in your area. 



The latest updates and announcements, sent out to all working group members via email.
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