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YSI Pre-Olivera Conference for Young Scholars

YSI Pre-Olivera Conference for Young Scholars

Start time:

July 10, 2019



University of Buenos Aires, Balvanera, Buenos Aires, C1113




"The future of capitalism: Latin American challenges." July 10th, 2019. Buenos Aires, Argentina

9 YSI Working Groups have joint efforts to invite young scholars from the region to join the pool of critically-minded economists gathering at the 2nd Olivera Conference.
The main topic of this Pre-Conference will be: "Future of Capitalism: Latin America challenges". We will discuss theoretical and empirical problems concerning the recent development of capitalism in region, with particular concern about social and economic crises and their causes. Another emphasis will be on and how to deal with various crises (social, political, economic, ecological, etc.) in a world in constant transformation, focusing on the impact on population and the promotion of sustainable development.

We invite young scholars to tackle these questions in any of the following tracks by submitting their abstract in English, Spanish or Portuguese:

“What does the "Entrepreneurial State" mean in the Latin American context?”

Since Mazzucato´s book on Entrepreneurial State, different debates about the role of both public and private sectors have re-emerged in the international innovation and development literature and in the policymaking circles. The relevance of patient capital and mission-oriented finance, the role of the State in assuming technological risks and creating new markets, and the importance of building virtuous rather than defective entrepreneurial ecosystems are among the key points brought up to discussion.
No doubt, the role of the State has been enormously important throughout the history of industrialization. State-led development has been recognized as the model of development that allowed the rapid technological catch-up of East Asia Tigers during the 20th century. Moreover, nowadays, most of the Asian high-growth economies such as China, Malaysia and India demonstrate that national governments can be actively involved in investing into productive economic activities and infrastructures as well as directing technological trajectories through effective STI policies, State-owned enterprises and financing Public Private Partnerships.
However, emerging economies countries experience particularly constraining pressures such as: financialisation and globally mobile financial capital, recurring financial crises as part of existing national and global financial architectures, proliferation of neoliberal policies, increasing fiscal pressures on national governments and so on. In the particular case of Latin America, as stated by Prebisch (1949), its integration into the global capitalism has differed from that of most developed economies resulting in particular socio-economic structures that nowadays are still present in the form of structural heterogeneity, clearly affecting the State role and challenges.
We invite young scholars willing to contribute to the understanding of the "Entrepreneurial State" in the context of Latin America, related (but not limited) to:
• State’s capacity-building and institutional capabilities
• Proactive and problem-oriented agenda-setting for STI
• Financing instruments and institutional support
• Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
• The role of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs)
• Systems of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems development
• Multinational corporations (MNCs) and the State
• (Geo)political and infrastructural limitations

Ten years after the Global Financial Crisis the world economy is entering into a different phase. In the past ten years, Emerging Markets Economies (EME) in the periphery have been benefiting from loose financial conditions and extraordinary high terms of trade. During that time, EME had very remarkable growth and socioeconomic performance, especially in Latin America. But, in the meanwhile, some other fragilities were built. Between them can be outlined the rise in the weight of primary exports, the slow development of high technology industries, the excessive dependence from financial flows to balance current account deficits, the increase in capital markets’ debt as a substitute for banks, between other effects. Nowadays, a smooth rise in interest rates is producing greater financial instability, with FX crises (Argentina as an example) and serious difficulties to achieve sustainable growth (as in the case of Brazil). That has put into question the transformations in the past.
In this context, we intend to debate lessons learned from the past decade and the future challenges of economic development, especially those linked to the reality of Latin American Economies.
We invite young scholars to submit their abstracts in one of the (but not limited to) following topics:
• Ten years of the Global Financial Crises: what have the Latin American countries learned?
• Global Liquidity and EME capital markets debt
• Financial inclusion and inequalities (gender, race)
• The financialization of development in EME
In case of questions, please contact: nzeolla@unsam.edu.ar, laureno.adriano@gmail.com, jtorracca@gmail.com>

Historically, inequality is an enduring socio-economic problem, particularly in Latin America. The current phase of capitalism, led by finance, deepens existing inequality everywhere, especially where there already was a high level of inequality and precarious social security and welfare state provision. Concomitantly, some governments recently elected in the region are deepening inequality by simultaneously adopting liberal economic policies with conservative social policies, thus exposing disadvantaged groups to a marketized economy, destroying social security while reducing the individual freedoms of members of minority groups.
Thus, both from the supranational organisms and in the academic spheres, discussions about poverty and inequality have gained more ground. In particular, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations in 2015 stipulated a series of objectives that highlight the need to broaden the study of these topics from a multidimensional perspective, which enables analysis around the edges of exclusion that prevent millions of people around the world from living with dignity.
Given the above, our 2019 Latin America convening aims to generate an integrative and multidimensional discussion of various aspects on inequality, among which is included Gender and Socio-Spatial inequality.
We welcome contributions related (but not limited) to gender and sexual orientation, and inequality from urban and regional perspectives, focusing on:
• Land value generation and its capture by tax tools;
• Public and private urban investments and its impacts on housing markets;
• The distribution of public services in the cities and its relationship with taxation.
• Informality and Urban Poverty.
• Right to the City and access to housing.
• Urban phenomena of Globalization: gentrification, revaluation, segregation.
• Shape of the cities: spatial inequalities across neighbourhoods and clustering.
• Gender, space and the right to land
• Production, gender and power relations
• Glass ceilings and sticky floors: Women’s underrepresentation in leadership positions
• Gender and policymaking: the lack of diversity in Governments

For further information: preolivera.ysi@gmail.com

Partner events: LALICS PhD Forum, 2nd Olivera Conference on Development Planning and the UNSAM Winter School.
Not only academic institutions participate in the Buenos Aires hub and will take part in the organization of the Olivera Conference or support it in different ways. Among non-academic partners the following should be outlined: Economía Femini(s)ta, ECLAC, the EPOG Master’s Course, LALICS, the CIECTI and more.