Political Economy and Law: Where We Are, Where We Should Be Going

Virtual Project Virtual Project

Link to the event: https://youngscholarsinitiative.zoom.us/j/97161987995?pwd=Wk9zQ3g4VldNano5Slp4WU05M0h6QT09 Political Economy is back on the agenda in law, and law shows renewed importance in finance. What lessons have we learned from past engagement and …

Political Economy and Law: Where We Are, Where We Should Be Going Read More »

How do we get to social and economic justice? How does that goal look like?

Virtual Project Virtual Project

LINK TO THE SESSION: https://youngscholarsinitiative.zoom.us/j/94528735047?pwd=K3doV3drU0hNZEQzOXdXd0I0WVQrQT09Our focus on structures and power must go further to evaluate the dynamics of injustice baked into law and political economy. That includes foregrounding the ways …

How do we get to social and economic justice? How does that goal look like? Read More »

How do we currently understand the dynamics of markets and workplaces?

Virtual Project Virtual Project

How do we currently understand the dynamics of markets and workplaces, and how may we imagine restructuring them concretely for a more egalitarian and sus-tainable democratic future? What ways are …

How do we currently understand the dynamics of markets and workplaces? Read More »

How may we shape the future technologies to support democratic outcomes?

Virtual Project Virtual Project

What are the key tipping points in digital technology, and how may we engage and shape the next generation technologies to support democratic outcomes?Digital technologies are often discussed as unprecedented …

How may we shape the future technologies to support democratic outcomes? Read More »

Session 3: The State and geopolitics in a post-pandemic world

Virtual Project Virtual Project

The State and geopolitics in a post-pandemic world Speakers: *Jayati Ghosh (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Victor Ramiro Fernández (Universidad Nacional del Litoral/CONICET) Adam Tooze (Columbia University)* Chair: **Pablo Bortz (Universidad …

Session 3: The State and geopolitics in a post-pandemic world Read More »